E. Korthals Altes
57 records found
To what extent did the international art market contribute to the shaping of the concept of schools of painting, in particular the northern and southern Netherlandish schools? By studying the structure of auction catalogues, collection catalogues, art literature, and several othe
Nederland op zijn mooist
De achttiende-eeuwse Republiek in kaart en beeld
Nederland op zijn mooist. De achttiende-eeuwse Republiek in kaart en beeld biedt in meer dan duizend kaarten, stadsplattegronden, stadsgezichten, dorpsgezichten, stadhuizen, kerken, kloosters en abdijen, kastelen en buitenplaatsen, poorten en marktpleinen een bijna alomvattend be
A Portrait of the Market as a Seismograph
Dutch Masters on the Art Market
Caravaggio and Vermeer are among today’s most popular Old Masters. They enjoy some kind of star status and any exhibition of their work is guaranteed to be a blockbuster. But what is so singular is that their paintings have not always been so well-regarded. In fact, for a long ti
Noord-Nederlandse schilderkunst in St.-Petersburg
De smaak van de achttiende-eeuwse verzamelaar Alexander Stroganov: exemplarisch of uniek?
Dutch paintings in St. Petersburg
The taste of eighteenth-century collector Alexander Stroganov: representative or unique?’
The Hermitage has been their home for a very long time. They have witnessed generations of Russian tsars and European monarchs come and go. At the Hermitage they survived world wars, the Russian Revolution and many other dramatic events. They drew millions of visitors to the Herm