J. A. Domaradzki
7 records found
Flows over airfoils and blades in rotating machinery, for unmanned and micro-aerial vehicles, wind turbines, and propellers consist of a laminar boundary layer near the leading edge that is often followed by a laminar separation bubble and transition to turbulence further downstr
Flows over airfoils and blades in rotating machinery, for unmanned and micro-aerial vehicles, wind turbines, and propellers consist of a laminar boundary layer near the leading edge that is often followed by a laminar separation bubble and transition to turbulence further downstr
Letter to the Editor
On the evolution of dissipation rate and resolved kinetic energy in ALDM simulations of the Taylor-Green flow
We correct a data processing error in the article "Construction of explicit and implicit dynamic finite difference schemes and application to the large-eddy simulation of the Taylor-Green vortex" by Dieter Fauconnier, Chris De Langhe and Erik Dick published in the Journal of Comp
Subgrid-scale models in LES operate on a range of scales which is marginally resolved by the discrete approximation. Accordingly, the discrete approximation method and the subgrid-scale model are linked. One can exploit this link by developing discretization methods from subgrid-
In this chapter we make a connection between the filtering approach (Leonard 1974) and the averaged-equation approach (Schumann 1975) to large eddy simulation (LES). With the averaged-equation approach, the discrete system for evolving a grid-function approximation of the continu
The adaptive local deconvolution method (ALDM) is proposed as a new nonlinear discretization scheme designed for implicit large-eddy simulation (ILES) of turbulent flows. In ILES the truncation error of the discretization of the convective terms functions as a subgrid-scale model
The Adaptive Local Deconvolution Method (ALDM) is a new nonlinear discretization scheme designed for Implicit Large-Eddy Simulation (ILES). Free parameters of a solution-adaptive deconvolution operator allow to adjust the numerical truncation error which acts as implicit subgrid-