Virgo Eresta Jaya
3 records found
Land and space are major driving factors in doing business in urban areas. Cities around the world are performing land management techniques to achieve sustainable urban development. The World Bank acknowledges the importance of land management practices and promotes it as the Ea
Land management has four functions that are interlinkage to each other: land tenure, land valuation, land use planning and land development. These functions are the foundation of Indonesia's new strategy for improving its Ease Of Doing Business (EODB), directly in dealing with co
Implementation of Spatial Planning Package for Construction of an LADM Country Profile
Reducing Asymmetric Access to Information of RRRs in Indonesia
Spatial plan (or urban plan) as an aggregate product of sectoral policies (i.e., environmental, disaster management, economy, forestry), will be imposed to all land parcels in the form of public law to achieve the vision of a city. This vision relies heavily on the interoperabili