Jian Gang Jin

4 records found

With the growing demand for high-quality mobility services, transportation service providers need to offer transit services that not only fulfill passengers’ basic travel needs but also ensure an appealing quality of service. During rush hours, fleet sizes are often insufficient ...

The flexible airport bus and last-mile ride-sharing problem

Math-heuristic and metaheuristic approaches

Airport buses play a crucial role in addressing the last-mile problem of air travel, especially in cities and countries lacking inner-city rail transit systems. Nevertheless, airport buses are currently witnessing a decline in ridership due to drawbacks such as long departure int ...
The burden of first-mile connection to public transit stations is a key barrier that discourages riders from taking public transportation. Public transit agencies typically operate a modest fleet of vehicles to provide first-mile services due to the high operating costs, thus fai ...
Travel to intercity transportation hubs, such as railway stations and airports, can be the most troublesome and inefficient part of the entire air/railway travel journey, as travelers often carry large luggage and have stringent arrival time requirements. Taking public transporta ...