Vincent Rahli

7 records found

Reliable communication is a fundamental distributed communication abstraction that allows any two nodes within a network to communicate with each other. It is necessary for more powerful communication primitives, such as broadcast and consensus. Using different authentication mod ...
Reliable communication is a fundamental distributed communication abstraction that allows any two nodes of a network to communicate with each other. It is necessary for more powerful communication primitives, such as broadcast and consensus. Using different authentication models, ...
Current vehicular Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems either incur high false-positive rates or do not capture zero-day vulnerabilities, leading to safety-critical risks. In addition, prevention is limited to few primitive options like dropping network packets or extreme o ...
Nous considérons un réseau (modélisé par un graphe) utilisé pour propager des informations. Dans ce contexte, une source d’information diffuse à l’ensemble du réseau un message. Si la source est fiable, c’est à dire qu’elle envoie le même message à tous ses voisins directs, on so ...


Streamlined BFT Consensus Leveraging Trusted Components

Recently, streamlined Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) consensus protocols, such as HotStuff, have been proposed as a means to circumvent the inefficient view-changes of traditional BFT protocols, such as PBFT. Several works have detailed trusted components, and BFT protocols that ...


An Event-Triggered Real-time Byzantine Resilient Protocol Suite

The accelerated digitalisation of society along with technological evolution have extended the geographical span of cyber-physical systems. Two main threats have made the reliable and real-time control of these systems challenging: (i) uncertainty in the communication infrastruct ...
In this paper, we consider the Byzantine reliable broadcast problem on authenticated and partially connected networks. The state-of-the-art method to solve this problem consists in combining two algorithms from the literature. Handling asynchrony and faulty senders is typically d ...