B.A. Berghuis

14 records found

What is all this fuss about Tus?

Comparison of recent findings from biophysical and biochemical experiments

Synchronizing the convergence of the two-oppositely moving DNA replication machineries at specific termination sites is a tightly coordinated process in bacteria. In Escherichia coli, a “replication fork trap” – found within a chromosomal region where forks are allowed to enter b ...
Recent advances in high-throughput single-molecule magnetic tweezers have paved the way for obtaining information on individual molecules as well as ensemble-averaged behavior in a single assay. Here we describe how to design robust high-throughput magnetic tweezers assays that s ...

Enhanced interrogation of DNA roadblocks and RNA polymerases

Pulling information fkom the individual to understand the masses

Transcription in RNA viruses is highly dynamic, with a variety of pauses interrupting nucleotide addition by RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp). For example, rare but lengthy pauses (>20 s) have been linked to backtracking for viral single-subunit RdRps. However, while such back ...
The bidirectional replication of a circular chromosome by many bacteria necessitates proper termination to avoid the head-on collision of the opposing replisomes. In Escherichia coli, replisome progression beyond the termination site is prevented by Tus proteins bound to asymmetr ...
Single-molecule experiments provide a unique means for real-time observation of the activity of individual biomolecular machines. Through such techniques, insights into the mechanics of for example, polymerases, helicases, and packaging motors have been gleaned. Here we describe ...