Anja Maier

14 records found

This contribution departs from an existing model, the Design Framework for Systems-of-Systems Resilience, to explore systems resilience issues across the health, environmental, and economic domains. The reported research activities include 1) a rapid review to collect a set of sy ...
Current healthcare delivery challenges are multi-faceted, requiring multiple perspectives to be addressed using a systems approach. However, a significant amount of healthcare systems design research work is carried out within single disciplines or at best a few disciplines worki ...
With product customization companies aim at creating higher customer value and stronger economic benefits. The profitability of the offered variety relies on the quality of the developed product family architectures and their consistent implementation in configuration systems. Ye ...

Assessing organizational capabilities

Reviewing and guiding the development of maturity grids

Managing and improving organizational capabilities is a significant and complex issue for many companies. To support management and enable improvement, performance assessments are commonly used. One way of assessing organizational capabilities is by means of maturity grids. While ...
Within organisations, decision makers have to rely on collaboration with other actors from different disciplines working within highly dynamic and distributed associated networks of varying size and scales. This paper develops control and influence networks within Design Structur ...

Improving communication in design

Recommendations from the literature

Communication permeates every aspect of an engineer's work-from clarifying product specifications to shaping social ties. This paper offers an overview of recommendations from literature to improve communication within and among engineering teams. We assume communication problems ...

Towards managing team interfaces

An elicitation of factors influencing communication

Many researchers and practitioners in industry have identified communication between people as a major determinant of success or failure in (design) projects. Our empirical investigations indicate that many non-technical problems are - mostly unintentionally - labeled 'communicat ...
The area of sustainability in business is crowded with discussion and tools that are geared towards change at the organisational level (e.g. Corporate Social Responsibility). At the product level, there is a predominance of work focusing on environmental sustainability (e.g. Desi ...
Designing complex products, such as jet engines, cars or certain types of software, necessitates the coordination of activities of many participants during the design process. Communication is seen as the vehicle by which this coordination could be achieved. Communication itself ...

Representing artefacts as media

Modelling the relationship between designer intent and consumer experience

The design literature contains many diagrammatic models that represent the relationship between how designers intend artefacts to be experienced and how they are subsequently experienced by consumers, users and other stakeholders. Despite the prevalence of such models, they remai ...
The design of complex products, such as aero engines or cars, requires the co-ordination of many different individuals and groups of designers. Communication has been identified by many researchers and practitioners in industry as a major determinant of success or failure in desi ...
Communication is a critical success factor in design. It can be seen as the social and cognitive process by which information is selected, messages are exchanged between interacting partners, and meaning is created. How communication processes can best be captured, analysed and a ...

Auditing communication in design

A maturity grid-inspired approach

Communication is a critical success factor in design. How communication processes can best be captured, analysed and assessed, as a preliminary step to suggestions for improvement of communication practices, remains a challenge for researchers and practitioners. This paper critic ...