Karl W. Krämer
13 records found
Small bandgap scintillators have gained significant attention in recent years. Especially Cs4PbBr6 is an interesting material, mitigating the small Stokes shift-related problem of perovskites like CsPbBr3. In this work, optical and scintillation properties of Cs4PbBr6 single crys
Recent research activity on Sm2+-doped compounds has significantly increased the amount of available data on 4f55d → 4f6 decay times. This enabled the systematic comparison of spectroscopic and time resolved luminescence data to theoretical models
Lead halide perovskites are reportedly a very promising group of materials for scintillation due to their fast sub-nanosecond exciton luminescence, small band-gaps, and high theoretical light yield. Unfortunately, they only show emission at cryogenic temperatures. In this work si
NaI is the most commonly used host lattice for scintillators, which makes it interesting to further improve its scintillation properties. Many alternative activators have been tried instead of the conventionally used Tl+. In this work, Sm2+ is used as an near-infrared emitting ac
Currently only Eu2+-based scintillators have approached the light yield needed to improve the 2% energy resolution at 662 keV of LaBr3:Ce3+,Sr2+. Their major limitation, however, is the significant self-absorption due to Eu2+
LaBr3:Ce3+ is a compound with excellent scintillation properties, but its ultraviolet emission does not match well with the detection efficiency curves of silicon based photodetectors. In this work, Sm2+ is studied as an activator for LaBr3
The benefits of doping Cs4EuBr6 and Cs4EuI6 with Sm2+ are studied for near-infrared scintillator applications. It is shown that undoped Cs4EuI6 suffers from a high probability of self-absorption, which i
Fast energy transfer from Yb2+ to Sm2+ is a requirement when using Yb2+ as a sensitiser for Sm2+ emission for near-infrared scintillator applications. This cannot be achieved through dipole-dipole interactions due to the spin-forbidden
The feasiblity of using Yb2+ as a scintillation sensitiser for CsBa2I5:Sm2+ near-infrared scintillators has been assessed. CsBa2I5 samples with concentrations ranging from 0.3% to 2% Yb2+ and 0–1% Sm
In this study, we systematically vary the Cl/Br and Br/I ratios in CsCaX3:Tm2+ (X = Cl, Br, I) and hereby gradually shift the positions of the Tm2+ 4f125d1-levels as relative to the two 4f13 levels. At low temperat
Recently, we proposed a concept for a new class of near infrared (NIR) scintillators by employing efficient Eu2+ → Sm2+ energy transfer. In this article we investigate the optical spectroscopy of Sm2+ in BaBrI, CsSrI3, and CsBa2
The concentration dependent luminescence of the SrI2-TmI2 system was investigated. For Tm2+ concentrations up to 5 mol %, the quantum efficiency (QE) of the 2F5/2→2F7/2 emission exhibits a constant value
Scintillators are materials that absorb a high energy particle (α,β,γ radiation) and downconvert it into a short pulse of visible or near-visible light. As determined by photon detection statistics, the ultimate energy resolution for γ-photon detection can only be approached for