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The thesis explores the planning heritage created by the Chinese government’s industrial efforts in Daqing from the late 1950s to the late 1980s. It focuses on how petroleum infrastructure and residential developments reshaped the local environment. By examining Daqing’s planning ...

Taking the Chinese Petroleumscape Seriously

An Historical Institutionalism Approach

To conduct a thorough investigation into the planning and construction history of China’s oil industry, it is necessary to redefine the layers within the Global Petroleumscape (TGP) from a historical institutionalism perspective. The TGP framework, as proposed by Hein, differenti ...

Dissemination, manipulation or monopolization?

Understanding the influence of stakeholder information sharing on resident participation in neighborhood rehabilitation of urban China

Socially sustainable urban renewal hinges on active public participation, necessitating effective information sharing. Combining Social Network Analysis (SNA) and Ecological Network Analysis (ENA), this study longitudinally investigates how stakeholder information sharing evolves ...
本文介绍了荷兰建筑史学家赫尔曼·凡·贝赫艾克和其博士生团队对荷兰著名建筑师赫尔曼·赫茨伯格的专访。此次采访是为了准备 2022 年赫茨伯格 90 岁生日的庆祝活动。讨论的重点包括时间和手绘、结构主义、设计的延续性、建筑教育以及赫茨伯格目前关注的领域。在采访中,凡·贝赫艾克和他的团队成员就手绘在设计过程中的重要性、赫茨伯格对结构主义建筑运动的看法以及设计中延续性与时间概念的关系提出了引人思考的问题。此外,讨论还涉及赫茨伯格在建筑教育方面的经验和想法,以及他对该领域目前的兴趣。这次专访提供了对赫茨伯格在建筑基本方面看法宝贵见解,并深入了解了他对于设计标志性建 ...

The Shaping of Daqing

Borderless Interactions between Oil and Urban Areas

Since the development of the oil industry in the 1860s, petroleum products became increasingly important in economies and shaped the urban form. The impact of oil exploration, exploitation, and transformation led to the creation of districts and cities entirely dedicated to the o ...

160 Years of Borders Evolution in Dunkirk

Petroleum, Permeability, and Porosity

Since the 1860s, petroleum companies, through their influence on local governments, port authorities, international actors and the general public gradually became more dominant in shaping the urban form of ports and cities. Under their development and pressure, the relationships ...

The Dalian Port Cluster

Spatial practice of the One Belt, One Road initiative and potential opportunities of Responsible Research and Innovation

Economic Development and Environmental Protection

The planning of China’s National Strategic Petroleum Reserves in port cities

Since 2004, the Chinese government has been planning and building enormous petroleum reserves in China’s highly industrialized port cities, located along an environmentally fragile coastline. The construction of these national oil reserves should have complied with the principle ...

The Dalian Port Cluster

Spatial Practice of the One Belt One Road Initiative

The Chinese government is heavily investing in trade-related infrastructure with its One Belt One Road Initiative (OBOR), a proposal to build a new Silk Road or network of trade routes. This infrastructure-driven innovation will have a large economic, spatial and environmental im ...
Since the mid-20th century, the Chinese government in collaboration with various governmental petroleum authorities, first with the Ministry of Petroleum and later with state-owned companies, has transformed the built environment on multiple levels, creatin ...

Planning Daqing-Dalian oil clusters. Towards the sustainable future

The decline of spatial representations in Daqing since the 1990s

Since its discovery in the early-1960s, Daqing has been propagandized as the national model for the severe built environment and heroic oil workers. Many of the spatial representations showing the urban and rural forms, architectures, and lifestyles, were created mainly by state- ...