Photovoltaic method is very popular for generating electrical power. Its energy production depends on solar radiation on that location and orientation. Shadow rapidly decreases performance of the Photovoltaic system. In this research, it is being investigated that how exactly rea
Photovoltaic method is very popular for generating electrical power. Its energy production depends on solar radiation on that location and orientation. Shadow rapidly decreases performance of the Photovoltaic system. In this research, it is being investigated that how exactly real-time shadow can be detected. In principle, 3D city models containing roof structure, vegetation, thematically differentiated surface and texture, are suitable to simulate exact real-time shadow. An automated procedure to measure exact shadow effect from the 3D city models and a long-term simulation model to determine the produced energy from the photovoltaic system is being developed here. In this paper, a method for detecting shadow for direct radiation has been discussed with its result using a 3D city model to perform a solar energy potentiality analysis.