M. Knoope

9 records found


Investing in CO2 transport infrastructure under uncertainty

A comparison between ships and pipelines

The aim of this study is to assess whether the value of flexibility can influence the investment decision between CO2 ship and pipeline transport and, therefore, the way the infrastructure develops. For this, the value of a carbon capture and storage project are cal ...

This study aimed to analyze whether, and how, uncertainty influences the layout and costs of a CO2 transportation network. The case without uncertainty is modelled with a perfect foresight (PF) model and with uncertainty with the real option approach (ROA). In this study, uncerta ...

The aim of this study was to analyze whether, and if so, in what way risks would influence the design, costs and routing of CO2 pipelines. This article assesses locational and societal risks of CO2 pipeline transport and analyses whether rerouting or impl ...

In this study, a new cost model is developed for CO2 pipeline transport, which starts with the physical properties of CO2 transport and includes different kinds of steel grades and up-to-date material and construction costs. This pipeline cost model is us ...

Ill this article, an economic optimization tool is developed takmg into account different steel grades, inlet pressure, diameter and booster stations for point-to-point pipelines as well as for simple networks. Preliminary results show that gaseous C02 transport is cost effect ...

This study analyses the impact of technological improvements and increased operating experience on the techno-economic performance of integrated gasification facilities producing electricity and/or transportation fuels. Also, the impact of using torrefied biomass instead of co ...

This study aims to provide a systematic overview and comparison of capital and O&M costs models for CO2 pipelines and booster stations currently available in literature. Our findings indicate significantly large cost ranges for the results provided by the differ ...

This study aims to investigate the technological and economic prospects of integrated gasification facilities for power (IGCC) and Fischer-Tropsch (FT) liquid production with and without CCS over time. For this purpose, a component based experience curve was constructed and appli ...

This study analyses the impacts of technological improvements and increased operating experience on the techno-economic performance of integrated gasification (IG) facilities. The facilities investigated produce electricity (IGCC) or FT-liquids with electricity as by-product ( ...