Zhenfu Cao
5 records found
A Lighter Multi-Client Verifiable Outsourced Computation for Malicious Lightweight Clients
Gordon et al. systematically studied the Universally Composable (UC) security of Multi-client Verifiable Computation (MVC), in which a set of computationally-weak clients delegate the computation of a general function to an untrusted server based on their private inputs, and prop
Lighter is Better
A Lighter Multi-client Verifiable Outsourced Computation with Hybrid Homomorphic Encryption
Gordon et al. (TCC 2015) systematically studied the security of Multi-client Verifiable Computation (MVC), in which a set of computationally-weak clients outsource the computation of a general function f over their private inputs to an untrusted server. They introduced the univer
Encryption Switching Service
Securely Switch Your Encrypted Data to Another Format
Big data analytics has been regarded as a promising technology to yield better insights into future development by government and industry. Data collection and aggregation are necessary steps to enable data analysis. However, data may be dispersed across multiple places and in di
Secure and Expressive Data Access Control for Cloud Storage
Secure cloud storage, an emerging cloud service, guarantees the confidentiality of outsourced data while providing flexible data access control for cloud users whose data are out of their physical control. Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption (CP-ABE) is one of the promis