Nachoem M. Wijnberg
6 records found
We introduce a complete many-valued semantics for two normal lattice-based modal logics. This semantics is based on reflexive many-valued graphs. We discuss an interpretation and possible applications of this logical framework in the context of the formal analysis of the interact
By ‘informational entropy’, we understand an inherent boundary to knowability, due e.g. to perceptual, theoretical, evidential or linguistic limits. In this paper, we discuss a logical framework in which this boundary is incorporated into the semantic and deductive machinery, an
We introduce the logic LRC, designed to describe and reason about agents’ abilities and capabilities in using resources. The proposed framework bridges two—up to now—mutually independent strands of literature: the one on logics of abilities and capabilities, developed within the
Categorization systems are widely studied in psychology, sociology, and organization theory as information-structuring devices which are critical to decision-making processes. In the present paper, we introduce a sound and complete epistemic logic of categories and agents' catego
How I learned to stop worrying and love two sorts
RS-frames were introduced by Gehrke as relational semantics for substructural logics. They are two-sorted structures, based on RS-polarities with additional relations used to interpret modalities. We propose an intuitive, epistemic interpretation of RS-frames for modal logic, in
Vertical integration as a remedy for imbalances in the 'Porterian' value system
The Dutch financial securities industry at the beginning of the 20th century
The way of accounting for vertical integration, of this paper is based on the ‘Porterian’ value system and focuses on the relation between the creation and appropriation of value. The essence of a value system is that at each stage in the system value is created and added to the