Circular Image

27 records found


Sparse Voxel Directed Acyclic Graphs (SVDAGs) are an efficient solution for storing high-resolution voxel geometry. Recently, algorithms for the interactive modification of SVDAGs have been proposed that maintain the compressed geometric representation. Nevertheless, voxel att ...

We present a method for improving batched ray traversal as was presented by Pharr et al. [PKGH97]. We propose to use conservative proxy geometry to more accurately determine whether a ray has a possibility of hitting any geometry that is stored on disk. This prevents unnecessary ...


Effects of the assumption on ties in unseen parts of a ranking

What will happen if we relax the assumption that ties do not occur in unseen parts?

Rankings are more present in our daily lives than most people realize. Whether you are browsing Netflix and getting movies or shows based on your previous likes or dislikes, or you want to compare search engine results. To use rankings in the field of Computer Science a rank simi ...

Average Rank-Biased Overlap between independent rankings

Revealing average benchmarks: An Empirical Investigation

Rankings play a crucial role in various contexts but often exhibit incompleteness, top-weightedness, and indefiniteness. Comparing rankings can reveal underlying similarities, yet traditional correlation coefficients like Kendall's tau do not adequately address these complexities ...

Adaptive Synthetic Generation of Indefinite Rankings

Enhancing Algorithm Flexibility with Tunable Conjointness, Overlap, and Tie Distribution

Reducing the similarity of two ranked lists to a single value proves to be useful in various fields of research and industry, such as Information Retrieval and Recommender Systems, leading to the introduction of several similarity measures. One such measure is Rank-Biased Overlap ...
As a point estimate of the similarity score between two possibly indefinite rankings, extrapolated rank-biased overlap (RBOEXT) uses the assumption that the agreement observed at the last evaluation depth continues indefinitely across the unseen tails of the two lists. This assum ...

Evaluating the effectiveness of large language models in meeting summarization with transcript segmentation techniques

How well does gpt-3.5-turbo perform on meeting summarization with topic and context-length window segmentation?

Large Language Models (LLM) have brought significant performance increase on many Natural Language Processing tasks. However LLMs have not been tested for meeting summarization. This research paper examines the effectiveness of the gpt-3.5-turbo model on the meeting summarization ...

Automatic text-based speech overlap classification

A novel approach using Large Language Models

Meetings are the keystone of a good company. They allow for quick decision making, multiple-perspective problem solving and effective communication. However, most employees and managers have a negative view on the efficiency and quality of their meetings. High quality meetings wh ...

Zero-shot learning for (dis)agreement detection in meeting trancripts

Comparing latent topic models and large language models

This paper presents a novel approach to detect agreement and disagreement moments between participants in meeting transcripts without relying on labeled data. We propose a model in which disagreement detection is defined as the process of first identifying argumentative theses re ...

Exploring Stance Detection of Opinion Texts: Evaluating the Performance of a Large Language Model

Benchmarking the Performance of Stance Classification by GPT-3-Turbo

In April 2020, a Dutch research team swiftly analyzed public opinions on COVID-19 lockdown relaxations. However, due to time constraints, only a small amount of opinion data could be processed. With the surge of popularity in the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and the ...

Animating Still Images

Folding Texture Design and Synthesis

The phenomenon of one element moving and progressively overlaying another is common in nature, such as waves swashing and backwashing, or eyelids moving over eyeballs while blinking. Folding Texture, which was proposed by Thorben, can simulate this texture “folding” visual effect ...
DDoS attacks are becoming more common and sophisticated. Only recently, in 2017, Google claims they have mitigated an attack which sent 2.54 Tbps of traffic to their servers. In order to prevent these attacks, more and more robust defence mechanisms need to be put in place to wit ...
After software defined networking (SDN) separated the control-plane from the dataplane, P4 was proposed as a solution to be able to program the data-plane. The programmable data plane (PDP) is very useful to alter the behaviour of programmable network devices. The drawback, howev ...
Data planes are responsible for forwarding packets in a network. The P4 language is used for programming programmable data planes. Such data planes give more flexibility to programmers by allowing them to define how the packets should be processed. However, these data planes migh ...
In software defined networking a controller can control where the data-plane routes packets to. Programmable data-planes make networks even more flexible, as the algorithms on the data-plane can be updated. The P4 programming language can be used to program data-planes, and the P ...
P4 programmable data-planes provide operators with a flexible method to set up data-plane forwarding logic. To deploy networks with confidence, a switch's forwarding logic should correspond with its intended behavior. Programs loaded onto programmable data-planes don't necessaril ...
VanillaGP is an Inductive Program Synthesis algorithm that takes a Genetic Algorithm (GA) approach by using its 3 components: selection, mutation, and crossover. Many different alternatives exist for these components and although this is not the only application of a GAs on the P ...
A recent development in program synthesis is using Monte Carlo Tree Search to traverse the search tree of possible programs in order to efficiently find a program that will successfully transform the given input to the desired output. Previous research has shown promising results ...
This paper addresses the problem of Inductive Synthesis by analysing the Metropolis-Hastings stochastic search algorithm. The goal of Inductive Synthesis is to generate programs whose intended behaviour is established through the use of input and output examples. The Metropolis-H ...
Inductive Program Synthesis (IPS) has been implemented by a two-stage search algorithm, Brute, and consequently improved upon with a Large Neighborhood Search (LNS) technique, in an algorithm named Vlute. Unmotivated values and design choices within Vlute caused limitations on th ...