Commerecially available pulse generators for use in γ-ray spectroscopy to correct for dead-time and pile-up losses share the problem that the fall-time of the output pulses does not match the fall-time of the detector pulse. Upon pulse shaping in the main amplifier the pulser's s
Commerecially available pulse generators for use in γ-ray spectroscopy to correct for dead-time and pile-up losses share the problem that the fall-time of the output pulses does not match the fall-time of the detector pulse. Upon pulse shaping in the main amplifier the pulser's signals result in a considerable undershoot fo the amplifier's output signal, which cannot be restored by the P/Z network. As a result, peaks in the γ-ray spectrum are broadened. Moreover, amplitude stability of the generators is often poorer than the overall gain stability of the spectrometer. To overcome these problems a special pulse generator has been developed at the Interfaculty Reactor Institute, which simulates Ge-detector signals. It generates pulses with a constant frequency of 25 Hz using a crystal oscillator controlled mercury relay. The stability of the generator's amplitude and frequency is extremely high and the peak-shapes in the γ-ray spectrum are not distorted.@en