N.B. Onat

9 records found

In this contribution, we analyze machine learning-assisted solutions to tackle real-time fault detection in large-scale active phased array antennas. The challenge of integrating the circuit component nonlinearities and mutual coupling effects in fault-finding methodologies is ad ...
The sunflower array topology concept is introduced, for the first time, to the constrained infinitesimal dipole modeling (IDM) technique to increase the computational efficiency and reduce the modeling errors. The concept is applied to embedded element pattern predictions via mat ...
A novel dual-linear polarized active aperiodic millimeter-wave (26 GHz band) phased array is prototyped. Four-channel integrated circuits are used for beamforming. An asymmetrical signal distribution and antenna feeding network is designed. A heuristic post-calibration method is ...
A novel ensemble prediction technique is introduced to enhance the accuracy of far-field embedded element pattern (EEP) prediction under mutual coupling (MC) effects, while relaxing the training data size challenge in neural network (NN)-based algorithms. The proposed method inte ...
This paper examines how training data affects machine learning-assisted antenna pattern prediction under mutual coupling. For demonstration, a neural network-based approach is used to predict the embedded pattern of a central patch antenna element near randomly distributed patche ...

Efficient Embedded Element Pattern Prediction via Machine Learning

A Case Study with Planar Non-Uniform Sub-Arrays

Efficient prediction of embedded element patterns (EEPs) is including the mutual coupling (MC) effects in the optimization of irregular planar arrays is studied for the first time in the literature. An ANN-based methodology is used to predict the pattern of each element in the wh ...
The effects of multipath on the statistical cell-edge user service quality is for the first time investigated for mm-wave multi-user communication systems. The focus is given on setting the user spacing constraints and the transmit array topology via thinning, which can be used t ...
A heuristic calibration-before-operation method based on near-field-measurements of integrated circuit (IC) responses is proposed and tested for an active 64-element 5G millimeter-wave (24-28 GHz) phased array. The IC phase shifter and variable gain settings are digitally tuned t ...
The optimization of mode excitation coefficients in linear periodic arrays of multi-mode antenna elements is studied for grating lobe reduction. A novel beamforming architecture is proposed with a new optimization problem based on equi-amplitude element excitations for optimal po ...