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A.A. Ghobbar
Academic Work (34)
Abstract (2)
Book chapter (1)
Conference paper (27)
Journal article (4)
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34 records found
A value-based assessment method of the supportability for a new aircraft entering into service
Journal article (2014) -
ALM Cruyt (author)
A.A. Ghobbar (author)
R Curran (author)
Richard Curran (author)
Ricky Curran (author)
R. Curran (author)
Optimizing inspection intervals - Reliability and availability in terms of a cost model: A case study on railway carriers
Journal article (2013) -
M ten Wolde (author)
A.A. Ghobbar (author)
Development of a maintenance decision model to optimize for technical reliability - A component based approach
Conference paper (2012) -
W Pyfferoen (author)
A.A. Ghobbar (author)
H.G. Visser (author)
H. G. Visser (author)
Hendrikus G. Visser (author)
Dries Visser (author)
Hendrikus Visser (author)
TM Kerkhof (author)
Election of a hypothesis asserting that supportability implies quality
Conference paper (2012) -
C. Rijsdijk (author)
A.A. Ghobbar (author)
A value operations Methodology (VOM) approach to usage driven maintenance
Journal article (2012) -
R. Curran (author)
R Curran (author)
Richard Curran (author)
Ricky Curran (author)
T Stuivenberg (author)
T. Tinga (author)
A.A. Ghobbar (author)
H Udluft (author)
Systematic safety investigations for aerospace MRO's
Conference paper (2012) -
PM Meer (author)
A.A. Ghobbar (author)
JAAM Stoop (author)
J.A.A.M. Stoop (author)
John Stoop (author)
A test of the importance of supportability
Conference paper (2012) -
C. Rijsdijk (author)
A.A. Ghobbar (author)
An attempt to quantitatively underpin the rationality of maintenance support
Conference paper (2012) -
C. Rijsdijk (author)
A.A. Ghobbar (author)
A predictive model to improve the punctuality of wide-body aircraft's maintenance and fleet reliability
Journal article (2011) -
A.A. Ghobbar (author)
VA Alves (author)
A quest for a dependency between equipment quality and supportability
Conference paper (2011) -
C. Rijsdijk (author)
A.A. Ghobbar (author)
Aircraft Maintenance Engineering
Book chapter (2011) -
A.A. Ghobbar (author)
Cannibalization: How to measure and its effect in the inventory cost
Conference paper (2010) -
A.A. Ghobbar (author)
N Oliveira (author)
Developing a systemic investigation method for engineering and maintenance error taxonomy
Conference paper (2010) -
A.A. Ghobbar (author)
PM Meer (author)
Engine maintenance related related cost and shop visit scheduling and work-scoping optimization
Conference paper (2010) -
A Figueroa Mayordomo (author)
A.A. Ghobbar (author)
S.S.A. Ghys (author)
E.A. Cator (author)
E.A. Cator (author)
Rogue Units and No-Failure-Found - MRO questionnaire Survey Outcome
Conference paper (2010) -
A.A. Ghobbar (author)
A model to forecast non-routine work for the wide body base maintenance at KLM E&M
Conference paper (2010) -
JPN Flores (author)
A.A. Ghobbar (author)
A proposal for a supportability measure
Conference paper (2010) -
C. Rijsdijk (author)
C. Rijsdijk (author)
A.A. Ghobbar (author)
Introduction to Rogue Units and No-Failure-Found
Conference paper (2010) -
A.A. Ghobbar (author)
Intermittent demand forecast by combining the forecasts from several methods into a composite one withing MRO sector
Abstract (2010) -
A.A. Ghobbar (author)
J. Satink (author)
Rogue units and no-failure-found model to help solving these phenomena
Conference paper (2010) -
A.A. Ghobbar (author)