This thesis addresses the capabilities and challenges of automated design approaches, specifically for ap-plication in which a combination of heat transfer and flow is needed. The objective is to use automateddesign approaches from literature and to identify the bottlenecks.For
This thesis addresses the capabilities and challenges of automated design approaches, specifically for ap-plication in which a combination of heat transfer and flow is needed. The objective is to use automateddesign approaches from literature and to identify the bottlenecks.For this purpose, an industrial thermal-fluid airshower is designed, manufactured and validated for thecompany VDL-ETG. This airshower is used to condition the temperature of a wafer. The temperature of theoutgoing flow needs to be well defined and uniformly distributed over the entire width of the wafer. Formany industrial applications, turbulent flow is required, which is challenging to design. This research inves-tigates the applicability of automated design approaches in the laminar and turbulent flow regime. Thereare three automated design approaches: Topology optimization, Shape optimization, and Parametric opti-mization. Topology optimization provides the most freedom to the optimizer and therefore has the mostpotential to come up with designs that might not be obvious at first sight. For this design case, first designsynthesis is attempted using material distribution Topology optimization. When this was not successfulshape optimization or parametric optimization has been performed.