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26 records found


Students are exposed to various environmental stimuli at their home study places. However, different students have different preferences in terms of indoor environmental quality (IEQ) aspects and psychosocial aspects of these places. A previous study on students' preferences of t ...
People are staying indoors for most of their time (on average 90%), where they are exposed to different environmental stimuli (e.g., noise, temperature) that are related to the indoor environmental quality (IEQ) factors (Bluyssen, 2020). Students in higher education spend substan ...
Research has shown that students differ in their preferences of indoor environmental quality (IEQ) and psychosocial aspects of their study places. Since previous studies have mainly focused on identifying these preferences rather than investigating the different profiles of stude ...
As hospital workers are generally less satisfied with comfort than patients and limited information was available on health and comfort in outpatient areas, a PhD study was carried out on staff in outpatient areas. The study design, main conclusions and recommendations of this Ph ...
Gezondheid en comfort van mensen in de gebouwde omgeving, thuis, op het werk, op school, onderweg, of in de vrije tijd is een complex onderwerp, waarbij natuurkunde, gedrag, fysiologie, energiegebruik, klimaatverandering, architectuur, engineering en techniek een rol spelen. De m ...
Inspired by the strong vision of the hospital organization on hospitality, a new hospital was built with theintention to provide an open environment which supports privacy and interaction between the occupants. This studyevaluates the satisfaction of patients, visitors and nursin ...
Against the backdrop of an increasing need for healthcare, staff shortages and relatively high rates of sick leave, understanding of wellbeing (comfort and health) of hospital workers is important. This research aims to provide a contribution, through a mixed-methods approach, wi ...
While the pressure on hospital workers keeps growing, they are generally more dissatisfied with their comfort than other occupants in hospitals or offices. To better understand the comfort of outpatient workers in hospitals, clusters for preferences and perceptions of the indoor ...

Building-related health symptoms are multifactorial, hence a comprehensive study is needed to identify associations of such symptoms with building aspects. Previous studies have identified certain building characteristics as risk factors for both dry eyes and headaches, which ...

It is well known that the demand on hospital staff is increasing and that their comfort and health may be affected negatively by dose and building-related aspects. Comfort and health may differ between hospital departments. However, outpatient areas are understudied. To better un ...

Comfort and health of outpatient staff is important due to the growing demand of healthcare and its crucial influence on society. Previous studies have mostly focused on the perception of comfort and indicated a large prevalence of building-related symptoms and dissatisfaction ...

Workshop with 335 primary school children in The Netherlands

What is needed to improve the IEQ in their classrooms?

To identify current problems in the classroom and to conceptualize design solutions by primary school children to solve these problems, 335 children from seven primary schools participated in a workshop held in the Experience room of the SenseLab, comprising of two parts. In p ...

For several years indoor comfort is measured in halls of hospitals by architecture students from the Delft University of Technology. Questionnaires and interviews have shows that patients and visitors have very few complaints about the indoor comfort in hospital halls. This, in h ...

Due to the increasing demand for healthcare and the large impact on the finance of hospital buildings in the near future, study is needed on aspects that affect health and comfort of patients and staff in hospitals. Therefore, a literature review was performed on studies relat ...

The indoor environmental quality, control, layout and appearance may affect comfort and satisfaction of patients, as well as visitors and staff in hospitals. Due to differences in activities, duration of stay and health status, needs of the different groups may vary. In order to ...

First SenseLab studies with primary school children

Exposure to different environmental configurations in the experience room

To study the combined effect of different environmental factors on children in a classroom setting, 250 children from seven primary schools were exposed to 36 different environmental configurations (‘all’ and ‘fewer’ acoustical panels; ‘displacement’ and ‘mixing’ ventilation; sou ...
Various studies have shown that the architecture and design of a nursing home can have a profound impact on the sense of home of old people residing in the nursing home, next to psychological and social factors. However, adequate guidance on how these factors can be operationaliz ...
Background The sense of home of nursing home residents is a multifactorial phenomenon which is important for the quality of living. This purpose of this study is to investigate the factors influencing the sense of home of older adults residing in the nursing home from the perspec ...

The Factors Influencing the Sense of Home in Nursing Homes:

A Systematic Review from the Perspective of Residents

Purpose. To provide an overview of factors influencing the sense of home of older adults residing in the nursing home. Methods. A systematic review was conducted. Inclusion criteria were (1) original and peer-reviewed research, (2) qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods rese ...

Leven in Boswijk

De bewoner centraal

Omgeven door park en bos vormen twaalf huizen Boswijk een veilig dorpje in een groene omgeving in Vught (Figuur 13.1). Boswijk is ontworpen met veel aandacht voor het gevoelige karakter en de onorthodoxe eigenschappen van zijn bewoners, ouderen met dementie. In nauwe samenwerking ...