R.B. Larsen
9 records found
This paper considers a decentralized container transport system in which two decision-makers are involved in getting a container from its origin to its destination: a logistics service provider (LSP) and a flexible service operator (FSO). While the LSP receives shipment requests
Cooperation between container transport service providers can increase efficiency in the logistics sector significantly. However, cooperation between competitors requires co-planning methods that not only give the cooperating partners an advantage towards external competition but
Container transport is an essential part of the well-functioning, highly specialized, and global production chains society currently relies on. To improve the utilization of resources, it is important to ensure all processes are as efficient as possible. Synchromodal transport is
It is desirable to improve the efficiency of container transport both from an economical and an environmental point of view, as increased efficiency decreases costs and emissions per transported container. Modern transport schemes, such as synchromodal transport, use a-modal book
Container transport requires real-time control and a high degree of cooperation to alleviate disturbances and perform smoothly without unnecessary environmental impact and monetary losses. The involved operators are, however, often reluctant to cooperate as they fear loosing valu
Transport of containers on a-modal bookings enables transport suppliers to route the containers in accordance with the current state of the synchromodal transport network. At the same time, it enables the transport providers to route their vehicles in real time based on the curre
Controlling systems with both continuous and discrete actuators using model predictive control is often impractical, since mixed-integer optimization problems are too complex to solve sufficiently fast. This paper proposes a parallelizable method to control both the continuous in
When barges are scheduled before the demand for container transport is known, the scheduled departures may match poorly with the realised demands’ due dates and with the truck utilization. Synchromodal transport enables simultaneous planning of container, truck and barge routes a
When containers are transported on a-modal bookings, the transport supplier can decide which combination of trucks, trains, ships, etc. to use. This gives the flexibility to transport suppliers to route the containers in accordance with the current state of the synchromodal trans