This graduation project emerged from an existing collaboration between the Delft University of Technology and the Responsible Sensing Lab; a project of the Amsterdam Institute of Advanced Metropolitan Solutions. The Initial Assignment had the goal of enhancing the feeling of safe
This graduation project emerged from an existing collaboration between the Delft University of Technology and the Responsible Sensing Lab; a project of the Amsterdam Institute of Advanced Metropolitan Solutions. The Initial Assignment had the goal of enhancing the feeling of safety in public environments through the use of responsible sensing. Following the method of Value Sensitive Design and its 3 core aspects, contextual research was conducted into 1) perceived safety as the value, 2) smart sensors as the technology, and 3) public spaces as the context of use. Subsequently, the project was narrowed down to focus on improving the design aesthetics and visual impact of camera sensors in public spaces, with the intended end result of enhancing the perception of safety with the Target User Group of heterosexual women, aged 15-25. Through the involvement of this Target User Group in 2 co-creation sessions, multiple informal feedback sessions and a Product Usability Evaluation in the Concept Development and Product Design phases of this project, a final design was created.
The final design, BL0.0M, is a reconception of the design, use and perception of current camera sensors. Compatible with both dome- and bullet camera sensor types, BL0.0M takes inspiration from a flower to serve both a functional and visual purpose to its public environment. Upon activation of the camera sensors, BL0.0M’s petals open up–clearly communicating its functionality to passers by, and can be adjusted to convey different product expressions. Its modularity extends to its petal modules, which can easily be interchanged to allow for further customisation and variety.
The reception of the Target User Group was both critical and auspicious. Future recommendations primarily include further design iterations in petal design and positioning, as well as looking into the internal– and external validity of the user group involved. From both informal feedback and the Product Usability Evaluation, BL0.0M elicited a high level of intrigue and enthusiasm. Its functional and aesthetic contrast with current camera sensor designs is one of the main drivers for this response. BL0.0M is a visionary design with an eye to the future, serving as the version 0.0 and a blank canvas for the next big steps and innovations in smart sensor design and implementation. For now, this is only the first step.