14 records found


Conversational search is a sub-field of Information Retrieval (IR) that focuses on solving information needs through natural language conversations. Searching for information is an inherently interactive task, and conversations offer a promising solution. One that might change th ...

A number of learned sparse and dense retrieval approaches have recently been proposed and proven effective in tasks such as passage retrieval and document retrieval. In this paper we analyze with a replicability study if the lessons learned generalize to the retrieval of respo ...

Online shoppers have a lot of information at their disposal when making a purchase decision. They can look at images of the product, read reviews, make comparisons with other products, do research online, read expert reviews, and more. Voice shopping (purchasing items via a Vo ...

The goal of the seventh edition of SCAI (https: // is to bring together and further grow a community of researchers and practitioners interested in conversational systems for information access. The previous iterations of the workshop already demonstrated the breadth ...

Explanations describe product recommendations in a human interpretable way in order to achieve a goal, e.g. persuade users to buy. Unlike web product search, where users have access to diverse information as to why the products might be suitable for their needs, in the voice p ...

Heavily pre-trained transformers for language modeling, such as BERT, have shown to be remarkably effective for Information Retrieval (IR) tasks, typically applied to re-rank the results of a first-stage retrieval model. IR benchmarks evaluate the effectiveness of retrieval pi ...

According to the Probability Ranking Principle (PRP), ranking documents in decreasing order of their probability of relevance leads to an optimal document ranking for ad-hoc retrieval. The PRP holds when two conditions are met: [C1] the models are well calibrated, and, [C2] the p ...
We study Label Smoothing (LS), a widely used regularization technique, in the context of neural learning to rank (L2R) models. LS combines the ground-truth labels with a uniform distribution, encouraging the model to be less confident in its predictions. We analyze the relationsh ...

The area of conversational search has gained significant traction in the IR research community, motivated by the widespread use of personal assistants. An often researched task in this setting is conversation response ranking, that is, to retrieve the best response for a given ...

Heavily pre-trained transformer models such as BERT have recently shown to be remarkably powerful at language modelling, achieving impressive results on numerous downstream tasks. It has also been shown that they implicitly store factual knowledge in their parameters after pre ...

Curriculum Learning Strategies for IR

An Empirical Study on Conversation Response Ranking

Neural ranking models are traditionally trained on a series of random batches, sampled uniformly from the entire training set. Curriculum learning has recently been shown to improve neural models’ effectiveness by sampling batches non-uniformly, going from easy to difficult in ...

Ensembling multiple recommender systems via stacking has shown to be effective at improving collaborative recommendation. Recent work extends stacking to use additional user performance predictors (e.g., the total number of ratings made by the user) to help determine how much ...

Query performance prediction (QPP) is a fundamental task in information retrieval, which concerns predicting the effectiveness of a ranking model for a given query in the absence of relevance information. Despite being an active research area, this task has not yet been explor ...

The prominent success of music streaming services has brought increasingly complex challenges for music recommendation. In particular, in a streaming setting, songs are consumed sequentially within a listening session, which should cater not only for the user's historical pref ...