A. Tamminen
3 records found
Kinetic inductance bolometer (KIB) technology is a candidate for scalable submillimeter wave imaging systems, particularly suitable for person security screening applications. We have previously shown that the basic figures of merit are compatible with room-temperature radiometri
A wide field of view (FOV) inversely magnified dual-lens system for submillimeter wavelength imagers is presented in this paper. The antenna is designed for near-field focusing, at a range of 2.1 m from the primary aperture and to work in the frequency range from 200 to 600 GHz.
The aim of the European project CONSORTIS is the development of a walk-by imaging system for concealed object detections working at submillimetre-wave frequencies. This imager will allow to image a full body at two frequency bands with high sensitivity (<;1K) and large frame r