Andrey O. Leonov

6 records found


We present a systematic study of tilted spiral states obtained theoretically within the classical Dzyaloshinskii model for magnetic states in cubic non-centrosymmetric ferromagnets. Such tilted spirals are shown to stabilize under the competing effect of cubic and exchange ani ...

The bulk helimagnet Cu2OSeO3 represents a unique example in the family of B20 cubic helimagnets exhibiting a tilted spiral and skyrmion phase at low temperatures when the magnetic field is applied along the easy (001) crystallographic direction. Here we present a systematic st ...

Cu2OSeO3 represents a unique example in the family of B20 cubic helimagnets with a tilted spiral and a low-temperature skyrmion phase arising for magnetic fields applied along the easy crystallographic (100) axes. Although the stabilization mechanism of these phases can be acc ...

Topologically stable field configurations appear in many fields of physics, from elementary particles to condensed matter and cosmology. Deep physical relations and common physical features of a large variety of very different solitonic states in these systems arise from the math ...

The lack of inversion symmetry in the crystal lattice of magnetic materials gives rise to complex noncollinear spin orders through interactions of a relativistic nature, resulting in interesting physical phenomena, such as emergent electromagnetism. Studies of cubic chiral mag ...