Bert Van Opstal
5 records found
The abundance of NO2 in the boundary layer relates to air quality and pollution source monitoring. Observing the spatiotemporal distribution of NO2 above well-delimited (flue gas stacks, volcanoes, ships) or more extended sources (cities) allows for applicat
we examined acousto-optic interaction in the KH2PO4 crystal used in devices providing control of optical radiation parameters. The crystal was applied in a wide-angle tunable acousto-optic filter capable of image processing in the ultraviolet region of spect
Spectral imaging is a powerful tool for remote sensing applications. Among other valuable options, acousto-optical tunable filters (AOTF) offer interesting properties to this class of instruments. When sensitivity to ultra-violet (UV) light is required, KH2PO4
The ALTIUS-instrument is a three-channel spectral imager, measuring in the ultraviolet, visible and near infrared wavelength domains, that is bound to fly aboard a PROBA-satellite. The goal of the ALTIUS-instrument is to make hyper spectral images of the limb of the earth. In eac
A spaceborne AOTF-based UV-VIS-NIR hyperspectral imager for atmospheric remote sensing
Since the recent losses of several atmospheric instruments with good vertical sampling capabilities (SAGE II, SAGE III, GOMOS, SCIAMACHY, MIPAS), the scientific community is left with very few sounders delivering concentration profiles of key atmospheric species for understanding