M. Nasseri

7 records found

The importance of optimization of rain gauge stations locations is critical given that rainfall data is central to various water-related studies. As rainfall data has vagueness in nature, fuzzy set theory can describe uncertainties existing in rainfall data. In this paper, we dev ...

GRACEfully Closing the Water Balance

A Data-Driven Probabilistic Approach Applied to River Basins in Iran

To fully benefit from remotely sensed observations of the terrestrial water cycle, bias and random errors in these data sets need to be quantified. This paper presents a Bayesian hierarchical model that fuses monthly water balance data and estimates the corresponding data errors ...
The anisotropy and directional variation of spatial attributes is one of the most important challenges in spatial estimation of environmental features. This problem received a suitable response in the realm of stochastic modeling using directional variography; however, there is n ...
Evapotranspiration (ET) is one of the most important factors controlling hydrologic, agricultural, and weather cycles. It also converts a large portion of rainfall into vapor, being known as the largest water flux from the earth into the atmosphere. Since ET is affected by many f ...
Improving precipitation accuracy over a watershed is one of the highest priorities in water resources studies and management. Several global precipitation datasets are available for estimating precipitation over any region in the world. However, local or regional application of t ...
Hydrological models are simplified imitations of natural and man-made water systems, and because of this simplification, always deal with inherent uncertainty. To develop more rigorous modeling procedures and to provide more reliable results, it is inevitable to consider and esti ...
Accurate estimation of the spatial distribution of precipitation is crucial for hydrologic modeling. To achieve the realistic estimation of precipitation, developing a ground-based observatory system is a costly and time-consuming strategy compared with other solutions such as us ...