Phoebus I. Panigyrakis

47 records found


Are we there yet?

A review of Volume magazine’s history and mission

Volume 58, entitled Legacy, marks the transition of the editor-in-chief position from Arjen Oosterman to Stephan Petermann. To avoid simplistic boasting or navel gazing, as the magazine introduction states, they decided to dive into Volume’s pre-history, starting in 1929 and stop ...

Aldo Rossi in the turmoil of “German identity”

The German Historical Museum competition of 1988

The 1988 competition for the German Historical Museum in Berlin was on several layers a controversial project that testifies to the publics’ potential to embrace a diverse culture of dispute. Even before the competition, the idea of a museum on German history was fiercely deba ...

Ζητήματα ηθικής στην αρχιτεκτονική δημοσιογραφία

Ο ρόλος της κριτικής στα περιοδικά Architectural Record και Architectural Forum στη δεκαετία του ’50

By the end of the 1950s, the US periodicals Αrchitectural Forum and Architectural Record restructured their editorial policies relating to their uses of pieces of architectural criticism. From the one side, Architectural Forum published by Time Inc., was attempting a widening of ...
The travels of Dutch architect Arthur Staal to Greece in the 1930s and his views on the Greek landscape.@en

La citta della architettura

Rossi, Stirling and the Image of the City in their Berlin Projects

Comparison of the design process of the two master architects' projects in Berlin, through archival research@en
In 1944 amidst the Nazi occupation, a book on Greece circulated in the Netherlands, was quickly sold-out and circulated again in 1946 and 1951. Its title was Hellas. Een reis door Griekenland [Hellas. A journey through Greece] and its author was Arthur Staal (1907-1993), a young ...

Architectural Record: 1942-1967

Chapters from the history of an architectural magazine

The Architectural Record during its midcentury years of 1942 to 1967, was a riveting centre of architectural journalism following and participating in the changing development of the architectural profession. Through the Second World War and the Korean War that brought functional ...


Walter Gropius και Αμερικάνικη αρχιτεκτονική κριτική σκηνή

Το 1964 o Walter Gropius απηύθυνε ομιλία απέναντι σε κοινό Αμερικανών αρχιτεκτόνων την οποία ολοκλήρωσε απαγγέλοντας το ποίημα του Σεφέρη, «Γέροντας στην ακροποταμιά» (1942). Δεδομένου, ότι η συγκεκριμένη ομιλία ήταν μία από τις τελευταίες δημόσιες ομιλίες του Gropius και το γεγο ...

How media took over modernism

A PhD scholar’s biased retrospective

In this series of articles, PhD scholars from various universities explain their research and their way of working. What is the focus of their academic work? What question(s) do they want to answer? And what problems have they encountered? Phoebus Panigyrakis (TU Delft) is resear ...

Tripping with philosophy

An evening with Timothy Morton

‘I am that idiot,’ said Timothy Morton, stepping onto the podium. We proceeded to listen to the professor of English at Rice University, Texas, for the next couple of hours.@en

The return of style

Strategies of aesthetics in design management and architecture

Architecture as a practice is bound to social, political, economic and material restrictions. It is only as a cultural discourse that it may gain autonomy, revolving around the question of what do the produced architectural forms actually mean for our contemporary setting as argu ...

‘The Relation of Parks to Public Buildings’

The Case of the Washington Mall as a Museum Cluster


Architectural Narration of Memorial Architecture Throughout 20th and 21st Centuries

Form, Spatial and Exhibition Design as Means to Deliver Stories and Experience

The symbolic and meaningful richness of the architecture of commemoration reminds us of important events in the history of mankind, mixing past realities with present-day meta worlds largely created by architecture and place, as well as exhibitions, objects, or even our own exper ...

Eye Filmmuseum and TU Delft Library

Investigating design compositions of Dutch architecture at the turn of the millennium

This thesis aims to critically examine the design process of two cultural centres-landmarks, built in the Netherlands in the past decades. The examined projects include the EYE Filmmuseum (DMAA-2011) and the TU Delft Library (Mecanoo-1998). Despite the differences between the two ...

Utopia as Escapism, Escapism as Protest

Exploring the radical art and architecture of 1968 - 1989 Czechoslovakia, the case for VAL collective

Radical experimentation, formal plurality, and oscillation between architecture and visual arts permeated the 50s and 60s generation of architects and artists on both sides of the politically divided Europe. Central and Eastern European examples from this period are often underva ...

Dutch connections

Essays on international relationships in architectural history in honour of Herman van Bergeijk

Throughout his career, Herman van Bergeijk built his own unique expertise on the Dutch 19th and early 20th century architectural history. He has become an inspiration for scholars in the Netherlands, Europe and beyond. The extraordinary response of colleagues when asked to contri ...
Exhibition 8 December 2018 - 1 January 2019, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment (Delft University of Technology), Corridor@en
This exhibition brought together 35 years of work of the cartoonist Alan Dunn, featuring hundreds of his sketches that he produced for the Architectural Record from 1940 to 1974. With his wit and sharp criticism, he managed to bring both lightness and cautiousness to a whole gene ...