Lauren Andres

6 records found

The magic of ordinary rather than extraordinary resilience?

Higher education and longer-term pandemic impacts

COVID-19 initially closed universities forcing rapid adoption of online teaching. This chapter reflects on pandemic recovery in the context of higher education and explores some of the longer-term impacts that the pandemic has had on academic practice. Recovery is a complex and h ...

Fragmented recoveries and proactive adaptability

New paradigm shifts, and theoretical directions to unpacking recovery processes and behavioural change

The nature of shocks and crisis is highly diverse; crises and shocks tend to conglomerate rather than occur as single events. People and places are affected differently and have distinct abilities and resources to respond, cope and recover. Key here are path-dependent socio-econo ...

Introduction: Shock chains and parallel shocks

Towards a social science of the recovery society

Any one shock is never isolated from other shocks and any one recovery process will be complicated by further related and unrelated shocks and their related recovery processes. This chapter highlights the interactions that occur between shocks that are experienced in parallel or ...

The preparedness, responsiveness and recovery triality

A pandemic research and policy framework

Drawing on the contributions from the edited volume Living with Pandemics: People, Place and Policy this chapter develops a framework for post-pandemic policy and research agendas. The chapter identifies three stages to a pandemic - preparedness, responsiveness and recovery - and ...
The catalyst for this book emerged in late 2019 with the first reports of a ‘mystery pneumonia’ taking hold in the Chinese city of Wuhan (Horton, 2020). This virus was confirmed by authorities as a new type of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus (SARS) and given the acr ...