Modern Navy ship operations are undergoing significant transformations, marked by three key changes. Firstly, ships become increasingly complex, characterized by advanced systems generating vast amounts of sensor data. Secondly, crew sizes become smaller, placing greater responsi
Modern Navy ship operations are undergoing significant transformations, marked by three key changes. Firstly, ships become increasingly complex, characterized by advanced systems generating vast amounts of sensor data. Secondly, crew sizes become smaller, placing greater responsibility on individuals to oversee a multitude of systems. Lastly, as warfare becomes faster, naval forces are compelled to make quicker decisions in response to rapidly changing and complex situations. Consequently, there is a pressing demand for integrating information from diverse sources and providing clearer, comprehensive overviews to facilitate decision-making. In the event of a calamity, it is crucial to rapidly assess the impact of the calamity on the ship's capabilities. This study introduces an innovative approach for enhancing situation awareness of the situation inside navy ships. By employing 3D geo-information and a knowledge graph we evaluate the consequences of calamities on the operational capabilities of the ship. We construct a detailed 3D model of both exterior and interior parts of a ship using three dimensional geometric data, which includes static elements such as rooms, (weapons) systems, and cable & pipe networks. This model also contains logical data describing functionality and interconnectivity of the physical objects in the shup. To do this, the data elements are connected through a linked data approach. In this research project the 3D model will be used in two key ways: firstly, to generate a realtime 3D common operational picture of the “internal battle” that visually represents the calamities and their impacts in 2D, 2.5D and real3D, all representing the same situation; secondly, as a 3D computational model equipped with a comprehensive set of business relating events in the ship. This model enables realtime assessment of calamity impacts using data gathered from sensors, personnel, and systems throughout the ship, to be used in a 3D decision support system. Data from smoke and temperature sensors are integrated with the static 3D model, as are simulated positions of personnel. Users can choose their own views (depending on their roles) but can also continue with the already existing views of other users. The conclusion is that a knowledge graph in linked data and a 3D representation of the same ship in realtime will give a basis for better decision-making. The effectiveness of this approach is tested with personnel from the Royal Netherlands Navy with data and models of one navy ship. The current state of the project is that the spatial and semantic relationships, the different visualizations, and interfaces have been developed. This first paper will report on the design of all this, the scientific approach and the first results of user testing.@en