18 records found
Thermodynamic controllability assessment in process synthesis
Is a monolithic loop reactor a viable option for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis?
Closed loop indicators for controllability analysis.
Analyzing dynamic interaction of control loops in the time domain
Closed-loop controllability analysis of process designs: Application to distillation column design.
Optimum controllability of distributed systems based on non-equilibrium thermodynamics.
Increasing the selectivity of the Fischer-Tropsch process by periodic operation.
Closed-loop controllability analysis of process designs: application to distillation column design.
Model-based optimization of the periodic operation of the Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis.
Improving process controllability by using irreversible thermodynamics.
Closed loop controllability analysis of proces designs: application to distillation column design
Ivoren Toren versus Industriƫle praktijk
TU Delft ontwikkelt geintegreerde ontwerpmethode voor chemische industrie. Ivoren Toren versus Industriele praktijk.
Design of controllable processes using irreversible thermodynamic structures.
Process Design for Operability.
Conceptual Design of Processes for Structured Products.
Synfuel process Final Report. The production of 500.000 t/a synthetic oil products from natural gas with Fischer-Tropsch synthesis.
Synfuel process Basis of Design. The production of 500.000 t/a synthetic oil products from natural gas with Fischer-Tropsch synthesis.