Thiemo Voigt

6 records found


An IoT Network Intrusion Detection Using DETONAR without a Sniffer Network

The Internet of Things is expanding and since IoT devices and IoT networks are used in many crucial areas in modern societies, ranging from security and military applications to healthcare monitoring and production efficiency, the need to secure these devices is of great importan ...


Reliable and predictable wireless agreement under external radio interference

Wireless low-power transceivers used in sensor networks typically operate in unlicensed frequency bands that are subject to external radio interference caused by devices transmitting at much higher power.communication protocols should therefore be designed to be robust against su ...


Augmenting sensornet testbeds with realistic and controlled interference generation

Radio interference drastically affects the performance of sensor-net communications, leading to packet loss and reduced energy-efficiency. As an increasing number of wireless devices operates on the same ISM frequencies, there is a strong need for understanding and debugging the ...

The Triangle Metric

Fast link quality estimation for mobile wireless sensor networks

Link quality estimation is a thorny problem in wireless sensor networks, because its accuracy affects the design and the efficiency of networking protocols and applications. Especially in the context of low-power wireless, estimating the link quality poses a sort of catch-22 dile ...
We address the problem of generating customized, controlled interference for experimental and testing purposes in Wireless Sensor Networks. The known coexistence problems between electronic devices sharing the same ISM radio band drive the design of new solutions to mitigate inte ...

Demo abstract

Generation of controllable radio interference for protocol testing in wireless sensor networks

Radio interference plays a central role for the performance of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). Interference not only leads to packet loss, but it also affects the function of MAC and routing protocols. Hitherto, testing the impact of interference on WSN experimentally has been di ...