Mathieu Acher

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This is an extended abstract of the article: Axel Halin, Alexandre Nuttinck, Mathieu Acher, Xavier Devroey, Gilles Perrouin, and Benoit Baudry. 2018. Test them all, is it worth it? Assessing config- uration sampling on the JHipster Web development stack. In Em- pirical Software E ...
Uniform or near-uniform generation of solutions for large satisfiability formulas is a problem of theoretical and practical interest for the testing community. Recent works proposed two algorithms (namely UniGen and QuickSampler) for reaching a good compromise between execution t ...
Many approaches for testing configurable software systems start from the same assumption: it is impossible to test all configurations. This motivated the definition of variability-aware abstractions and sampling techniques to cope with large configuration spaces. Yet, there is no ...