The world is becoming more and more data driven. There are many ways to collect, analyse and disseminate data, and data ecosystems are among the most important environments that we have for facilitating this. Spatial data is one of the data types in data ecosystems, and data ecos
The world is becoming more and more data driven. There are many ways to collect, analyse and disseminate data, and data ecosystems are among the most important environments that we have for facilitating this. Spatial data is one of the data types in data ecosystems, and data ecosystems play a key role in further value creation of the spatial data created, maintained and shared in the SDI. The workshop on “Data Ecosystems and Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) - facilitators for data value creation” brought together the views from actors ranging from the Local and National Authorities from Norway, Sweden and Denmark, European organisations such as the EC Joint Research Centre, The Alexandra Institute, and researchers working from different domains like spatial data, energy transition and building infrastructure. This report summarises the key takeaways from the presentations and the discussions during the breakout sessions that followed each of the topics as well as presenting a synthesis of the main findings of the workshop including the main take-aways for the SDI community.@en