73 records found
Specific heat of the simple-cubic Ising model
Tricritical O(n) models in two dimensions
Percolation transitions in two dimensions
Critical properties of a dilute O(n) model on the kagome lattice
Geometric properties of two-dimensional O(n) loop configurations
Cluster simulations of loop models on two-dimensional lattices
Critical line of an n-component cubic model
Exact characterization of O(n) tricriticality in two dimensions
Dilute Potts model in two dimensions
Monte Carlo study of the site-percolation model in two and three dimensions
Monte Carlo renormalization: The triangular Ising model as a test case
Percolation between vacancies in the two-dimensional Blume-Capel model
Constrained tricritical phenomena in two dimensions
Surface critical phenomena in three-dimensional percolation
Edge phase transitions of the tricritical Potts model in two dimensions
Simulation algorithms for the random-cluster model
Surface and bulk transitions in three-dimensional O(n) models
Percolation in one of q colors near criticality
Constrained tricritical Blume-Capel model in three dimensions
Geometric properties of two-dimensional critical and tricritical Potts models