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TSGAM van de Ingh
Academic Work (15)
Book chapter (1)
Conference paper (1)
Journal article (13)
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15 records found
Dietary Management of Hepatic Copper Accumulation in Labrador Retrievers
Journal article (2009) -
G Hoffmann (author)
PG Jones (author)
V Biourge (author)
TSGAM van de Ingh (author)
SJ Mesu (author)
P. Bode (author)
J Rothuizen (author)
Heritabilities of copper-accumulating traits in Labrador retrievers
Journal article (2008) -
G Hoffman (author)
HCM Heuven (author)
PAJ Leegwater (author)
PG Jones (author)
TSGAM van de Ingh (author)
P. Bode (author)
J Rothuizen (author)
Clinical effects of transcatheter hepatic arterial embolization with holmium-166 poly (L-lactic acid) micropheres in healthy pigs
Journal article (2008) -
MAD Vente (author)
JFW Nijsen (author)
Tamara Wit (author)
JH Seppenwoolde (author)
GC Krijger (author)
P.R. Seevinck (author)
A Huisman (author)
BA Zonnenberg (author)
TSGAM van de Ingh (author)
AD van het Schip (author)
Neutron activation analysis and X-ray Rayleigh and Raman scattering of hair and nail clippings as noninvasive bioindicators for Cu liver status in Labrador Retrievers
Journal article (2008) -
P. Bode (author)
MIMS Bueno (author)
GG Bortoleto (author)
G Hoffmann (author)
TSGAM van de Ingh (author)
J Rothuizen (author)
Double-blind, placebo-controlled treatment with D-penicillamine against hepatic copper accumulation in labrador retrievers
Journal article (2007) -
G Hoffmann (author)
PG Jones (author)
TSGAM van de Ingh (author)
P. Bode (author)
J Rothuizen (author)
Hepatic 64Cu excretion in Dobermanns with subclinical hepatitis
Journal article (2007) -
PJJ Mandigers (author)
P. Bode (author)
AMTC van Wees (author)
WE van den Brom (author)
TSGAM van de Ingh (author)
J Rothuizen (author)
Copper-Associated Chronic Hepatitis in Labrador Retrievers
Journal article (2006) -
G Hoffmann (author)
TSGAM van de Ingh (author)
P. Bode (author)
J Rothuizen (author)
Copper associated hepatitis in the Doberman pinscher - Evaluation of candidate genes
Book chapter (2005) -
G Hoffmann (author)
PJJ Mandigers (author)
PAJ Leegwater (author)
TSGAM van de Ingh (author)
P. Bode (author)
J Rothuizen (author)
Improvement in Liver Pathology after 4 Months of D-Penicillamine in 5 Doberman Pinschers with Subclinical Hepatitis
Journal article (2005) -
PJJ Mandigers (author)
TSGAM van de Ingh (author)
P. Bode (author)
J Rothuizen (author)
A double blinded - placebo controlled clinical study to assess the efficacy of an anabolic steroid in Dobermann dogs with subclinical hepatitis
Journal article (2005) -
PJJ Mandigers (author)
L Horspool (author)
TSGAM van de Ingh (author)
E Teske (author)
P. Bode (author)
J Rothuizen (author)
Double-blind, placebo-controlles study of the efficacy of nandrolone laurate in the treatment of dobermanns with subclinical hepatitis
Journal article (2005) -
PJJ Mandigers (author)
L Horspool (author)
TSGAM van de Ingh (author)
E Teske (author)
P. Bode (author)
J Rothuizen (author)
Differential expression of copper-associated and oxidative stress related proteins in a new variant of copper toxicosis in Doberman pinschers
Journal article (2005) -
B Spee (author)
PJJ Mandigers (author)
B. Arends (author)
P. Bode (author)
TSGAM van de Ingh (author)
G Hoffmann (author)
J Rothuizen (author)
LC Penning (author)
Incidence of subclinical hepatitis in three year old Dobermans's and associated liver copper values
Conference paper (2004) -
PJJ Mandigers (author)
TSGAM van de Ingh (author)
P. Bode (author)
E Teske (author)
GJ Ubbink (author)
J Rothuizen (author)
Chronic Hepatitis in Dobermanpinschers, a review
Journal article (2004) -
PJJ Mandigers (author)
TSGAM van de Ingh (author)
B Spee (author)
LC Penning (author)
P. Bode (author)
J Rothuizen (author)
Association between liver copper concentration and subclinical hepatitis in Doberman pinschers
Journal article (2004) -
PJJ Mandigers (author)
TSGAM van de Ingh (author)
P. Bode (author)
E Teske (author)
J Rothuizen (author)