
C.J. de Jonge

5 records found


For N ∈ N≥2 and α ∈ R such that 0 < α ≤ N − 1, the continued fraction map Tα: [α, α+1] → [α, α+1) is defined as Tα (x):= N/x−d(x), where d: [α, α+1] → N is defined by d(x):= ⌊N/x − α⌋. A maximal open interval (a, b) ⊂ Iα is called ...

For N∈ N≥ 2 and α∈ R such that 0<α≤N-1, we define Iα: = [α, α+ 1] and Iα-:=[α,α+1) and investigate the continued fraction map Tα:Iα→Iα-, which is defined as Tα(x):=Nx-d(x), where d: Iα→ N is defined by d(x):=⌊Nx-α⌋. For N∈ N≥ 7, f ...

In this thesis continued fractions are studied in three directions: semi-regular continued fractions, Nakada’s α-expansions and N-expansions. In Chapter 1 the general concept of a continued fraction is given, involving an operator that yields the partial quotients or digits of a ...

Three consecutive approximation coefficients

Asymptotic frequencies in semi-regular cases

Denote by p n /q n ,n=1,2,3,…, pn/qn,n=1,2,3,…, the sequence of continued fraction convergents of a real irrational number x x . Define the sequence of approximation coefficients by θ n (x):=q n |q n x−p n |,n=1,2,3,… θn(x):=qn|qnx−pn|,n=1,2,3,… . In the case of regular conti ...

By means of singularisations and insertions in Nakada's α-expansions, which involves the removal of partial quotients 1 while introducing partial quotients with a minus sign, the natural extension of Nakada's continued fraction map Tα is given for (10-2)/3≤α<1. From our con ...