In the past decade, many discussions on the need to reduce our carbon footprint have led the EU to open a public discourse on the applicability of high speed railroad travels within the continent. But spatial plans regarding the implementation of said infrastructure are lacking a
In the past decade, many discussions on the need to reduce our carbon footprint have led the EU to open a public discourse on the applicability of high speed railroad travels within the continent. But spatial plans regarding the implementation of said infrastructure are lacking and the topic of emerging railroad technologies has not surfaced in our media yet. The opportunities behind creating a sustainable European network are endless, but where is the research? This thesis aims at opening the discourse on alternative railroad infrastructure technology in the fields of social and spatial acceptance based on the frameworks of flowscapes (operative infrastructure as landscape and landscape as infrastructure) and the three dimensions of perception, function, and symbolism in order to assess the spatial and social opportunities of designing with innovative railroad technologies. This visionary research sees the cultural landscape of the Netherlands as initiator of this development, in which the new infrastructure aims at connecting the landscape, focusing on the character and values of the province of Overijssel, based on an analysis of technology through art. As a result of the research, the technology proves its position as a guiding Line in the Landscape, providing readability in the three dimensions in terms of narrative, landmark and connection.