In Amsterdam, more than 30 steel-concrete composite bridges were constructed from 1880-1960 without mechanical connectors and transverse reinforcement. Currently, there are no simplified analytical methods to determine the bearing capacity of these bridges. Thus, the bearing capa
In Amsterdam, more than 30 steel-concrete composite bridges were constructed from 1880-1960 without mechanical connectors and transverse reinforcement. Currently, there are no simplified analytical methods to determine the bearing capacity of these bridges. Thus, the bearing capacity is verified using NLFEM or oversimplified analytical calculations. This research proposes an analytical method to determine the bearing capacity of historic steel-concrete-composite bridges without mechanical connectors to avoid time-consuming FEM calculations and offers reasonable results.
An experimental and numerical study is performed on data from in situ and laboratory testing of samples from two different bridge decks from these Amsterdam bridges. The tests are accompanied by a numerical model that has been studied and adjusted to a more generalized loading case. This study determined that the exterior composite girders are critical due to their lower lateral stiffness.
An analytical model is proposed to examine the behaviour of the exterior composite girder. The model considers a 3-point bending load at midspan between the exterior composite and adjacent girder. The force distribution is described through a compatibility-based strut and tie model (C-STM). The concrete in compression is considered elastic compression struts, only limited by the ultimate load of the model. The concrete in tension is interpreted as a tensile tie, which fails when it exceeds the concrete tensile resistance. Following the failure of the tensile tie, it is assumed that a longitudinal crack propagates between the exterior composite girder and the adjacent girder. Additionally, vertical and lateral stiffness components are included in the model. These account for the flexural stiffness of the exterior and interior composite girder. The vertical stiffness is accounted for as elastic springs, and the lateral stiffness as spring beams. The interior lateral spring beam summarises all the interior composite girders' stiffness, whereas the exterior lateral spring beam only considers the exterior composite girder. Therefore, the configuration assumes that the interior spring beam is significantly stiffer than the exterior. Moreover, the stiffness of the exterior spring beam reduces when the longitudinal cracking occurs, assuming a part of the concrete fails. The C-STM is linked to the cross-section verification of longitudinal shear, biaxial bending and vertical shear resistance in two stages. Stage 1, at the load at longitudinal cracking, determines if the specimen fails at this moment, indicating that there possibly is a brittle failure. Stage 2 is after longitudinal cracking, where the steel-concrete contact perimeters have reduced, and the corresponding resistances accordingly reduce.
The failure modes obtained by the analytical model are comparable to the ones observed during the experimental testing. The analytical model showed that the bridges failed due to biaxial bending limited by partial shear interaction. One of the specimens from the testing yielded due to bending but with limited ductility. The other specimen also yielded due to bending with concrete crushing at the top concrete fibre. Further, the bearing capacities obtained from the analytical model are comparable to the failure loads from the experimental and numerical results.
The model predicts the failure modes and the bearing capacity and can therefore contribute to the assessment of the historic Amsterdam bridges, helping to reduce the assessment time of the bridges and understand their load-bearing behaviour better. Future work should focus on verifying the method by examining more bridges using FEM.