The world is becoming more and more technology-driven. The consumption of electronic products leads to an increase in electronic waste (e-waste). More than half of all the e-waste that is generated in the Netherlands originates from domestic appliances (WEEE register, 2019) and o
The world is becoming more and more technology-driven. The consumption of electronic products leads to an increase in electronic waste (e-waste). More than half of all the e-waste that is generated in the Netherlands originates from domestic appliances (WEEE register, 2019) and only 9% of all the e-waste will be recycled (Renewi, personal communication, 2019). The remaining waste will be dumped into landfill sites, and the energy and resources used to make the products will get lost, therefor products need to be designed with a ‘circular approach’. The goal of the circular economy is to use products, equipment and infrastructure for a longer time, and to improve the productivity of these resources. (Ellen MacArthur Foundation). One of the strategies of extending the life time of products within the circular economy is refurbishment: “A process of returning a product to good working condition by replacing or repairing major components that are faulty or close to failure, and making ‘cosmetic’ changes to update the appearance of a product” (Ellen MacArthur Foundation). Right now, refurbished products are not a common consumer choice. Therefor the question that is answered in this master thesis is: How can the design of a household appliance be optimized to increase the consumer acceptance with regard to the refurbished product? The research was divided in three parts. First the motivation of the consumer was investigated by means of a literature review and a survey amongst consumers. Then the preferred aesthetics of refurbished appliances were researched through literature and doing in-dept interviews. Lastly a research was done in order to optimize this process of refurbishment. Interviews and observations where done with repairers and refurbishers. Based on the results of the consumer research three different target groups were identified; the ecological buyer, the economical buyer and the secure buyer. Consumer research shows that the three aspects reparability, cleanability and timelessness cause a more efficient refurbishment process and a greater customer acceptance of the refurbished products. These aspects are turned into a set of guidelines that will serve as proposed requirements to design for refurbishment. They must be taken into account when designing the product, choosing materials and maintaining the product. However, only incorporating these guidelines would not be sufficient to enhance the consumer acceptance of refurbished products. Research showed that not only performance of the product plays a large role in the acceptance of the product. Awareness and trust should also be created. In addition, the experience of buying a refurbished product should be as fun and exciting as buying a new product. It was found, that when the product still looks like new, the customer is more likely to trust the product. The concept ‘looking good, feeling good’ is created on this insight. The core of the concept is that part of the cover can be replaced or refinished. Therefor the machine looks new while preserving the internal components and 80% of materials used in the cover. The customers can compose their own refurbished product by starting out with a refurbished base and then choose their own new or refurbished cover to create a stronger product attachment. All findings where combined and translated to a redesign of a fully automatic coffee machine. This was done by improving the accessibility of internal components and to create a modular structure on the inside of the coffee machine in order to make the process of repairing and cleaning more efficient. Moreover, three different front designs were created that meet the requirements of the aesthetics that are preferred for refurbishment. Combinations of colors and materials were tested with the target groups and the result were evaluated.