V.S. van Beek
7 records found
Graph Greenifier
Towards Sustainable and Energy-Aware Massive Graph Processing in the Computing Continuum
Our society is increasingly digital, and its processes are increasingly digitalized. As an emerging technology for the digital society, graphs provide a universal abstraction to represent concepts and objects, and the relationships between them. However, processing graphs at a ma
Data-Driven Compute Capacity Procurement for Cloud Datacenters using Portfolios of Scenarios
Cloud datacenters provide a backbone to our digital society. Inaccurate capacity procurement for cloud datacenters can lead to significant performance degradation, denser targets for failure, and unsustainable energy consumption. Although this activity is core to improving cloud
High-quality designs of distributed systems and services are essential for our digital economy and society. Threatening to slow down the stream of working designs, we identify the mounting pressure of scale and complexity of (eco-)systems, of ill-defined and wicked problems, and
Resource contention is one of the major problems in cloud datacenters. Many types of resource contention occur, with important impact on the performance and sometimes even the reliability of applications running in cloud datacenters. Cloud applications run together on the same ph
Massivizing computer systems
A vision to understand, design, and engineer computer ecosystems through and beyond modern distributed systems
Our society is digital: industry, science, governance, and individuals depend, often transparently, on the inter-operation of large numbers of distributed computer systems. Although the society takes them almost for granted, these computer ecosystems are not available for all, ma
In the new Digital Economy, massive computer systems, often grouped in datacenters, serve as factories "producing" cloud services with massive consumption. However, to afford cloud services globally, we must address new research challenges in designing, operating, and using moder
The Mnemos resource management and scheduling architecture uses portfolio scheduling, topology-aware virtual-resource management, and state information to self-adapt to significant workload changes and to analyze risks. Simulations with real-world workload traces reveal the poten