J.J.M. Kouwenberg
8 records found
Background: While alpha microdosimetry dates back a couple of decades, the effects of localized energy deposition of alpha particles are often still unclear since few comparative studies have been performed. Most modern alpha microdosimetry studies rely for large parts on simulat
Alpha radionuclide therapy has great potential for effective treatment of metastatic with reduced normal tissue complications. (Pre-clinical) research of alpha radiation of therapy does however suffer from a lack of proper tools for spectroscopy, (micro-) dosimetry and radiobiolo
Alpha emitters have great potential in targeted tumour therapy, especially in destroying micrometastases, due to their high linear energy transfer (LET). To prevent toxicity caused by recoiled daughter atoms in healthy tissue, alpha emitters like 225Ac can be encapsula
Structured illumination microscopy (SIM) for the imaging of alpha particle tracks in fluorescent nuclear track detectors (FNTD) was evaluated and compared to confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). FNTDs were irradiated with an external alpha source and imaged using both metho
Introduction: The use of 225Ac for alpha radionuclide therapy is a relatively novel approach, where the dense energy deposition of alpha radiation is used to treat cancer more effectively. 225Ac has, compared to conventional radionuclides, a long half-life of 10 days and a long d
Fluorescent Nuclear Track Detector technology is a passive luminescent integrating detector technology having important advantages in measuring neutrons, heavy ions and even photons. FNTD is based on new aluminum oxide crystals doped with carbon and magnesium impurities (Al2
To answer the need for better tools for alpha radiation radiobiology and microdosimetry research, a novel irradiation setup based on a honeycomb collimator, in combination with Fluorescent Nuclear Track Detectors (FNTD) for alpha radiation dosimetry and spectroscopy, was introduc
A robust and computationally efficient algorithm for automated tracking of high densities of particles travelling in (semi-) straight lines is presented. It extends the implementation of (Sbalzarini and Koumoutsakos 2005) and is intended for use in the analysis of single ion trac