The role of body wall muscles in C. elegans locomotion

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Over the past four decades, one of the simplest nervous systems across the animal kingdom, that of the nematode worm Caenorhabditis elegans, has drawn increasing attention. This system is the subject of an intensive concerted effort to understand the behaviour of an entire living animal, from the bottom up and the top down. C. elegans locomotion, in particular, has been the subject of a number of models, but there is as yet no general agreement about the key (rhythm generating) elements. In this paper we investigate the role of one component of the locomotion subsystem, namely the body wall muscles, with a focus on the role of inter-muscular gap junctions. We construct a detailed electrophysiological model which suggests that these muscles function, to a first approximation, as mere actuators and have no obvious rhythm generating role. Furthermore, we show that within our model inter-muscular coupling is too weak to have a significant electrical effect. These results rule out muscles as key generators of locomotion, pointing instead to neural activity patterns. More specifically, the results imply that the reduced locomotion velocity observed in unc-9 mutants is likely to be due to reduced neuronal rather than inter-muscular coupling. © 2008 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.