AI in Coding: How can code generation models support developing computational thinking skills?

The use of code generation models in programming support activities

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Using AI to support programming has recently gained a lot of popularity. Researchers have been developing tools to support programming activities using GPT models such as ChatGPT and Codex In this paper, we present the most common pro-gramming activities that these models can support. We show that they have a varying range of success
across solving Code Generation, Code Explana-tion,and Data Visualisation problems, but are often able to solve around 50% of problems on the first try. Multiple tries can raise these averages to 75%. Additionally, specialized tools using GPT models have seen promising results regarding Data Visuali-sation, Software Vulnerability Detection, and Gen-
eral Programming Support. This shows a promis-ing trend, and can mean we will all be pair pro-gramming with AI in the near-future.


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