Performance Analysis of NACA4412 Airfoil with Gurney Flap
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Gurney flap has been used to increase lift in varied types of wings used in aerial vehicles. It is also preferred as it increases pressure on the pressure side of the airfoil thus increasing the lift. Gurney flaps delay the onset of boundary layer separation in fluid flows. In the present research, analysis is performed on NACA4412 airfoil attached with gurney flap of different lengths with respect to chord lengths at 0°, 4° and 8° angles of attack. Ground effect phenomenon is also done at different height regime for different height to chord ratio through computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Analysis is carried out and coefficient of lift, drag, airfoil performance and pressure distribution is studied. In gurney flap, the lift force increases with decreasing ground clearance due to pressure region created under the airfoil. Phenomena of gurney flap are applicable for increase in coefficient of lift during the takeoff of the aircraft.