Hardware-Encoding Grid States in a Nonreciprocal Superconducting Circuit

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We present a circuit design composed of two Josephson junctions coupled by a nonreciprocal element, the gyrator, whose ground space is doubly degenerate. The ground states are approximate code words of the Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill code. We determine the low-energy dynamics of the circuit by working out the equivalence of this system to the problem of a single electron in a crystal, confined to a two-dimensional plane, and subjected to a strong, homogeneous magnetic field. We find that the circuit is naturally protected against the common noise channels in superconducting circuits, such as charge and flux noise, implying that it can be used for passive quantum error correction. We also propose realistic design parameters for an experimental realization, and we describe possible protocols to perform logical one- and two-qubit gates, state preparation, and readout.