SPIDER: open SPatial data Infrastructure eDucation nEtwoRk
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In this 2 hour workshop the experiences of the geographic data domain will be shared with the open data research & education community to promote and strengthen active innovative learning and teaching in both worlds. The domain of geographic data can be considered as one of the front running in open data. Over the past two decades, many geographic datasets in Europe became available as open data through the open [spatial] data infrastructure. Several of the high value dataset categories in the EU Directive on Open data and reuse of Public Sector Information have a geographic component. Teachers in this domain are struggling with the concepts of data ecosystems and data infrastructures presented in the academic literature. A very current Vancauwenberghe et al. 2018), in which also nongovernment data and nongovernment actors should be considered as key to the performance of the infrastructure and/or ecosystem.
Moreover, teaching methods are still limited to traditional teaching in the classroom. As a consequence, there is barely an international exchange of educational material and approaches on open SDI among universities. In this workshop an overview and detailed analysis of the concepts of open data ecosystems and infrastructures are presented and discussed and existing open data education highlighting good practices of learning, teaching and training in open [spatial] data infrastructures or ecosystems explored.