Python Scripting for DIgSILENT powerfactory
Leveraging the python API for scenario manipulation and analysis of large datasets
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The need to set up and simulate different scenarios, and later analyse the results, is widespread in the power systems community. However, scenario management and result analysis can quickly increase in complexity as the number of scenarios grows. This complexity is particularly high when dealing with modern smart grids. The Python API provided with DIgSILENT PowerFactory is a great asset when it comes to automating simulation-related tasks. Additionally, in combination with the well-established Python libraries for data analysis, analysis of results can be greatly simplified. This chapter illustrates the synergic relationship that can be established between DIgSILENT PowerFactory and a set of Python libraries for data analysis by means of the Python API, and the simplicity with which this relationship can be established. The examples presented here show that it can be beneficial to exploit the Python API to combine DIgSILENT PowerFactory with other Python libraries and serve as evidence that the possible applications are mainly limited by the creativity of the user.
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