Super'Dutch': An Independent Result of Globalization or the Product of the Organic Evolution of Dutch Traditional Architecture?
How is the emergence of the SuperDutch movement at the end of the 20th century related to the evolution of Dutch traditional architecture between the 16th and 20th century?
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SuperDutch is a movement defined in the 1980’s in the Netherlands as the means through which the country was placed back into internatioal discourses, being marked by architectural innovations and the rediscovery of Dutch national identity. At first sight, the buildings of this period appear to be formed upon the foundation of globalization and Neomodernism and not on the organic evolution of Dutch traditional architecture, in contrast to the suggestion that the name Super”Dutch” gives. Hence, this paper investigates the physical and ideological relationship between the Dutch historical architecture and the new development of the SuperDutch to find their common essence. The goal is to find which of the elements of the architecture of the past are still identifiable in the buildings and concepts of the SuperDutch by presenting an overview of the evolution of Dutch traditional architecture from the 16th until the 20th century and its relation to the movement through literature research and a critical analysis on visual media from the period mentioned.