From postmen to e-commerce service provider: A new service solution for PostNL Retail
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In the Netherlands, around 700.00 parcels per day are delivered by PostNL. The first part is delivered directly to people’s homes; the second part is delivered to a retail location where people then pick up the parcels themselves. This assignment was about the second flow of parcels, more and more consumers are choosing to pick up their parcel at a retail location, but the locations cannot handle the increasing volume anymore. This led to the following research question: Design a new PostNL service solution enabling consumers to receive their parcel in the way they prefer. The solution should lower the pressure on the current retail network and be adapted to the changing future context. As a next step in the process, research has been done into market conditions and consumers. Consumers were interviewed to create a customer journey about the order and shipping process. Consumers visiting a parcel point were interviewed as well as employees and owners of the parcel point. Lead users who came up with a solution for the problem themselves were also interviewed. Many consumers experienced the parcel points as a necessary evil because they are not at home during the day and therefore depend on a parcel point. They prefer to receive their package at home and do not want to go to a parcel point after work. They also indicated that picking up a parcel takes more time than just the transaction; they have to park, wait in line and wait for an employee to find the parcel. Some consumers also indicated that it was difficult to arrange something officially with PostNL. Subsequently, further research was done into where the frequent online shoppers live and whether this group had specific characteristics. It appears that frequent online shoppers are generally younger and receive a minimum of 5 parcels per month. PostNL does not have a shortage of capacity in every district; some districts still have a lot of retail locations available or fewer parcels are delivered to retail in a specific district. Based on the research, the Vinex districts and the high-rise districts around the city-centre have been selected as areas where the most improvement is possible. Various concepts have been devised to solve the problem, taking into account the insights of the research and the requirements from PostNL. The final proposed solution is a roadmap making use of lockers to receive parcels and a platform for more customer-oriented and efficient shipping. The lockers are placed at the entrance of the high-rise apartment buildings, so PostNL can always deliver the parcels at the home of the consumer. In the subsequent phases of the roadmap, the lockers are opened to retailers who deliver their goods themselves and other couriers who can use the locker for a fee. In the final phase of the roadmap, the couriers will collaborate even more, which leads to more efficiency and therefore sustainability. On the platform, the shipping wishes of the consumer ordering online are shared with the participating couriers so that they can offer a price for this request. Couriers can base their price for example on their available capacity and whether they already have to deliver a parcel near the address. PostNL earns a percentage on every transaction via the platform.