Reliability Assessment of Modular Multilevel Converters
A Comparative Study of MIL and Mission Profile Methods
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Power electronics converters are essential for power generation, transmission, and distribution. The modular multilevel converter (MMC) is highly valued for its versatility, high efficiency, and robust control capabilities. Since MMC is composed of many components, its reliability is crucial for maintaining the availability of electrical power systems. The reliability of the MMC can be evaluated using different methods, such as the military handbook (MIL) and the Mission Profile (MP) methods. By comparing the reliability estimation of the MMC using the MIL and MP methods, this study offers insights into the effectiveness of these approaches. Also, it shows the significant difference in final results between the two applied methods. These findings contribute to the understanding and improvement of the reliability assessment of power electronics converters. Also, the impact of redundancy is scrutinized to make the comparison more thorough.